Walking the Avalon Kora
Saturday 23rd July 2016
Marion will facilitate a fringe day walk before the start of the
Glastonbury Goddess Conference. This ceremonial walk
can be done in prepation of the Conference,
but also by anyone who is interested to walk the Avalon Kora.
A Kora is a circumbulation of a sacred site or object,
often as part of a pilgrimage, ceremony or celebration.
During this pilgrimage we will literally walk around the edge of
the sacred Isle of Avalon and experience, honour and celebrate
the different aspects of Nolava, the Lady of Avalon,
whose body forms the physical Isle of Avalon.
This walk is beautiful in it self, but also offers surprisingly
new angles and view towards the island in a way you don't often see.
To walk the Kora you will have to be able to walk for 5-7 hours,
but with stops for ceremony and a lunch break.
Please wear proper walking boots and clothing and
bring enough to drink and eat for yourself and offerings for the land.
Start: 9.30am
at the Abbey Car Park, Glastonbury
Costs: £45 p.p.
For bookings, click the Kora button below: